intelligent fabrication

The Intelligent Fabrication workshop will take place from June 20 to July 1 2022, and address real scale construction of timber roofs using digital workflows for the design, optimization and manufacturing processes.
Students will explore parametric modelling via Karamba 3D, a structural analysis tool implemented in the visual programming environment Grasshopper, running in Rhinoceros 3D. In parallel with the digital explorations, they will exhaust the material, test timber-timber connection concepts by digital fabrication to ultimately prototype, and assemble 5m*5m roofs. All projects will be structurally evaluated and receive a carbon footprint assessment for optimization during conception.
In parallel, a lecture series will host outstanding academics and practitioners involved in the field of digital fabrication, timber construction and parametric geometry.
Follow all lectures on Zoom
ID de réunion : 479 348 5633
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